
Fertility assessment using Functional Medicine

Fertility assessment using Functional Medicine

Wanting to have a baby but facing a negative pregnancy test month after month can be heartbreaking. Many women will seek out medical help, only to be told to relax, prescribed medications like Clomid, or steered towards medical interventions like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The problem with this approach is that it’s

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Acupuncture for Stress and Fertility

If you’ve ever struggled to get pregnant, you know how stressful the ordeal can be. Between constant doctor’s visits and repeatedly crushed hopes, this struggle can put a strain on you and your partner’s well-being that isn’t easily relieved. Unfortunately, the stress caused by infertility can also make the problem more difficult to overcome. One

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Fertility, how can acupuncture and herbs help?

For anyone struggling with infertility, it is quite an emotional rollercoaster. Every month, with another negative reading on the “stick”, can lead to depression and heartbreak. After months, or a year of trying, one might see a doctor to find out why “things” aren’t happening. Sometimes there are answers. There could be blood/hormone labs showing some irregularities,

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