Vaginal (Yoni) Steaming

Intimate, restorative self-care that starts at the root.

We’re here to support women in all phases of their reproductive life. In addition to our holistic Chinese medicine services, we offer one amazingly restorative, gentle therapy that helps women achieve pregnancy, relieve pain, and restore their vaginal health: Yoni Steaming.

What is Vaginal or Yoni Steaming?

Yoni steaming, also called vaginal or pelvic steaming, is a natural and gentle way to help encourage pelvic healing for women. Yoni steams are gentle, restorative steam baths for the vaginal canal. The process is simple. During a yoni steam, you will relax over a bowl of steaming herbal-infused tea and rest while the medicinal steam encourages healthy circulation, warmth, and rejuvenation in the entire pelvic region.

What are the Benefits of Yoni Steaming?

Yoni steams are deeply therapeutic and beneficial for many women. These are the most common benefits we see in our yoni steam results:

What’s in a Yoni Steam?

Our yoni steam herbal blends are made with only the very best naturally sourced American Indian and Chinese herbs. During the steaming process, the therapeutic volatile oils in these herbs are released to heal and balance the pelvic tissue.

Our Five Yoni Steam Herbal Blends:

We use five specialty herbal blends to address the unique needs of women at different stages in their reproductive health.

Is Yoni Steaming for You?

Are you ready to embrace reproductive self-care? Contact us to learn more about how we can help you harness the herbal healing power of yoni steaming.

Let's start the journey to the new and improved you!